ARCS - How to run the experiment

How to run the experiment at ARCS.

  • Make Python script and run to start experiment.
           : run -i

      Or press ' start' and 'stop' in the 'dcom client' window

     Example Python Script is as below.

If we want to make several measurement Python Script can be extend as below.

Other windows of  'Control 1' computer

  • Arcs Physical Histogram
         - shows actual incident neutron at detectors
         - shows photon charge accumulation

  • ARCS SQ Histogram
         - shows S(Q,w) data
         - shows proton charge accumulation

  • dcomclient
         - shows total counts, total time, rate etc

  • ARCS sum over all spaces
         - shows TOF histogram

  • Chopper control App Version 1.0
         - set the speed of Fermi1,2, Tzero Chopper
         - use when to want to change Ei
         - refer to previous log note for suitable values

  • CCR12 Rotation App Version 1.2
         - shows the position of CCR angle

  • Chopper translation
         - change between chopper 1/ chopper2 / No chopper
         - used when changing Ei manually

  • Motor App Version 1.2

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